Tag «Oceanic information science»

Best paper award! Mapping fishing activities of Eastern Taiwan longline vessels using data aggregation methods

Congratulations to Jhih-Cian Lin for his research effort, receiving the best paper award at the 2021 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication, and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2021)! Abstract – Illegal, unregulated, unreported, and overfishing have become a major problem when fishing becomes commercialized in many parts of the world. One of the critical activities in …

Small-scale fishermen turn to apps and AI to tackle climate change

原文: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-climate-fishermen-trfn-idUSKBN2AW0UI Since 2007, Taiwan has mandated that all small-scale fishermen use global positioning system (GPS) devices – that give a vessel’s location every three minutes – with the data collected and analysed along with reports on fish catches, gear used, and auctions. The data and monitoring gives insight into assessing fishery conditions, fisheries livelihoods …

109年傑出資訊人才獎 (Outstanding ICT Award)

「台灣漁業2015年間受到歐盟關切,指稱台灣漁業規定不夠落實,並把台灣列為打擊非法、未報告、不受規範(Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated)漁業不合作第三國警告名單。國立海洋大學先進計算實驗室許為元博士在海洋科學與資源學院院長廖正信教授延攬下,加入漁業署科技研發行列,力推資訊化的創新、雲端系統、大數據分析及資料視覺化,研發出深海9號(DeepSea 9)系統,建立新的研究與管理模式,成功讓台灣脫離名單。 深海9號系統牽涉極廣,從漁業署人民案件服務中心的產銷系統、對外漁業合作發展協會漁船監控系統(Vessel monitoring system, VMS)、電子漁獲日誌(eLogbook)、官方漁船資訊系統、圖資系統以及國際上各種法規,都需要整理並整合。許為元博士透露,這些資料有的橫跨近20年且格式繁多,甚至部分文件說明皆已佚失,研究團隊必須針對每個位元逐一檢視、拆解,才將所有資訊妥善整理。 「系統也必須納入國際規範與準則,按照國內行政需求設計,才能打造出全方位的系統。」許為元博士指出,最困難的就是面臨國際屢次的檢視與提出新的想法和要求,研究團隊就必須特別騰出時間來研發出對應的理論與解決方法並實踐。 對於海上作業與航行安全,深海9號系統納入了海洋氣象資料、國防演習通告、海盜高風險區域監控、載客娛樂漁船的追蹤以及週遭所有商船的AIS系統。因此達成真正的即時系統而非批次處理系統,當碰到問題時(包含海難、違規事件),都可以在第一時間發出警訊,讓監控中心通知船主及船公司,成功從以往的被動的管理轉化成主動的預防。而在環境保護議題上,系統也能監控特定區域的狀況,例如海洋保護區內是否有違規作業、特定漁業熱區火紅心的捕撈狀況監控以及特定資源的管理。 對於台灣整體海洋漁業科學,深海9號也納入了近海船隻的漁船航程紀錄器(Voyage data recorder, VDR),對於整體的資源計算與評估,更提供了良好的政策參考依據。現今,深海9號已不單單是守護遠洋漁業作業權的系統,更是科學研究的一個利器。許為元博士強調,深海9號系統仍然持續進化中,配合著硬體系統的承載量以及新的軟體科技而增加功能。 「能夠學以致用應該是最大的成就。有人說學校教的並非產業要的,但其實不然。」許為元博士認為,學校教的是科學基礎,如何延伸應用也是仰賴研究來把這些基礎進一步組合發展。期盼產業能不吝於提供資源,回饋學界且鼓勵將理論實現出來,並給予應用的實驗舞台。這樣互相的運作之下,可望將更多的理論從理想變成真實產物,打造更多產學合作的成功案例。                           Lab director meeting the President of Taiwan, Ms. Ing-Weng Tsai (Top) and the receiving the award from the Premier of Taiwan, Mr. Suu-Cheng Chang (Bottom). Views: …


臺灣漁業位居全球重要產業前三名,因非法、未報告及未受規範漁業(Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, IUU)而在 2015 年受到歐盟黃牌警告並將臺灣列入不合作第三國警告名單,影響產業及臺灣全球作業權。除了立法與教育,農委會漁業署亦補助團隊設計出新世代海洋資訊系統 DeepSea 9 (深海9號, 簡稱DS9)以掌握即時資訊,成為成功守護國家資源及遠洋船隊作業權的關鍵之一。海洋可視為國土的延伸且佔了地球表面約70%,是臺灣面積的一萬倍大,維護臺灣的漁產業亦等同於延伸臺灣的國土而獲取更多的資源。這套系統目前架設於漁業署的漁業監控中心(Fisheries Monitoring Center, FMC),雖名為「監控」,但其真正的價值在可用於科學觀測、環境保護、永續發展,並增加臺灣的漁業經濟效益。 DS9是一套跨領域的產品,橫跨了資通訊、農漁業以及地球科學的知識。其中資通訊科技包含雲端計算、資料科學、物聯網、人工智慧、計算理論與演算法。漁業科學包含漁具漁法、海上作業、環境資源學。地球科學方面則包含了大氣氣候學以及海洋學等。(全文連結) Views: 1067

Partnership with the Global Fishing Watch

Our lab is honored to announce a global alliance with the Global Fishing Watch (http://www.globalfishingwatch.org), collaborating on developing methods on detecting and identifying illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishery with the arts of computer science.    This year we will be working on with detection of ghost transshipment under information asymmetry conditions. Usually, when two …

National Agricultural Science Award (國家農業科學獎)

National Agricultural Science Award (國家農業科學獎) Congratulations to the Advanced Computation Laboratory team, in the event of the National Agricultural Science Award (國家農業科學獎) , for receiving the best team award in the social-economic development group. This award is the highest award in agricultural science. The team has spent 4 years in developing the Next-generation oceanic system …

Best paper award! Portable fisheries assistant systems for small scale fisheries management

Congratulations to Shin-Yu Wang, Wei-Siang Hong, Rey-Hsing Hu, Chieh-Ju Yu, and Hsin-Yu Tsai for their research effort, receiving the best paper award at the 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication, and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019)! Abstract—This paper will focus on developing and designing a portable fisheries assistant system (FAS), a micro fisheries activity assistant …

Can satellite systems increase our capability? Application of the CubeSat sentries to boost the intelligence of the DeepSea 9 fisheries monitoring system

The size overseas fisheries fleet of Taiwan ranks second in the world. Following the development of the DeepSea 9 (DS9), which is installed and operating at the Fisheries Monitoring Control (FMC) center at the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture of Taiwan, overseas fisheries monitoring system has helped in preventing illegal, unreported, and unregulated using remote …

Constructing a next generation oceanic information system

Lab director’s talk @ WorldFish, Penang, Malaysia headquarters.  (2019/8/1) Taiwan is an island with a thriving fishing industry. Prior to the year 2015, fisheries systems in Taiwan, apart from being outdated, are dispersed across different administrative groups making management and data verification very time-consuming. This resulted in Taiwan being issued with a “yellow card” by …

Partnership with WorldFish

Our lab is happy to make an official announcement on our partnership with the WorldFish (https://www.worldfishcenter.org), which leads the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-food Systems of CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers. We will be collaborating in developing new systems to support and analyze small scale fisheries (SSF) on a vast scale, just …