Congratulations to Shin-Yu Wang, Wei-Siang Hong, Rey-Hsing Hu, Chieh-Ju Yu, and Hsin-Yu Tsai for their research effort, receiving the best paper award at the 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication, and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019)!
Abstract—This paper will focus on developing and designing a portable fisheries assistant system (FAS), a micro fisheries activity assistant system which integrates operation zone detections, i.e., marine protected zones and closed fishing season areas, online digital crew declaration system, emergency distress calls, and trajectory recording. FAS combines external modules, i.e., GSM transmitter and receivers, GPS receivers, and external storage, and uses microdevices which is light and can be powered by a battery bank. This makes FAS suitable as a carry-on device for fishing rafts and sampans which do not have a stable source of electric power. The development of the software will also take account of using operations that consume less electricity to lengthen the operation time of FAS. The current development stage uses mobile network systems to relay information and is field-tested by going on the seas. Finally, research and experiments will be done to evaluate the capability of FAS integrated with a current existing central control system at the Fisheries Agency of Taiwan.
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