Category «Research»

美國在臺協會(AIT) 「台灣遠洋漁船漁業勞動人權」科技方案

Connecting migrant workers to the world – An attachment module for the Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) The Advanced Computation Laboratory (ACL) from National Taiwan Ocean University’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Phase Tech Co., Ltd. has won AIT’s recent call for tech solutions to solve labor issues in distant water fisheries!! Abstract: Workers …

2024 年招募 (Recruiting)

2024-2025年團隊招募 (2024/3/23日更新) 先進計算實驗室 (Advanced Computation Laboratory)今年度目標將持續發展遙測科技、資源評估演算法、與視覺化系統。同時間與國外非政府組織(NGO)合作進行偵測非法、未報告及未受規範漁業(IUU)活動之研究。團隊需要資料科學專才人員,包含前台視覺化、後臺資料分析、以及理論與演算法設計人員。  實驗室目前重點主題: 遠洋及沿近海漁船分析(領域及內容: 環境永續發展與行為分析, 作業樣態預測, 作業效率之估算, 大數據, 雲端架構, 演算法設計, 視覺化, 系統設計) 電子漁具之開發與實測 (領域及內容: 物聯網, 大數據, 電腦網路, 系統設計, 感測器) 電子觀察員設備開發 (領域及內容: 物聯網, 大數據, 電腦網路, 系統設計, 感測器, 辨識, 偵蒐) 智慧漁港設施開發應用 (領域及內容: 物聯網, 演算法設計, 感測器, 辨識) 離岸風場航道之動態數據分析 (領域及內容: 大數據, 雲端架構, 演算法設計, 視覺化) 帶魚觀測系統 (領域及內容: 環境永續發展與行為分析, 作業樣態預測, 作業效率之估算, 大數據, 演算法設計, 視覺化) 海洋輻射觀測系統 (領域及內容: 環境永續發展與行為分析, …


臺灣漁業位居全球重要產業前三名,因非法、未報告及未受規範漁業(Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, IUU)而在 2015 年受到歐盟黃牌警告並將臺灣列入不合作第三國警告名單,影響產業及臺灣全球作業權。除了立法與教育,農委會漁業署亦補助團隊設計出新世代海洋資訊系統 DeepSea 9 (深海9號, 簡稱DS9)以掌握即時資訊,成為成功守護國家資源及遠洋船隊作業權的關鍵之一。海洋可視為國土的延伸且佔了地球表面約70%,是臺灣面積的一萬倍大,維護臺灣的漁產業亦等同於延伸臺灣的國土而獲取更多的資源。這套系統目前架設於漁業署的漁業監控中心(Fisheries Monitoring Center, FMC),雖名為「監控」,但其真正的價值在可用於科學觀測、環境保護、永續發展,並增加臺灣的漁業經濟效益。 DS9是一套跨領域的產品,橫跨了資通訊、農漁業以及地球科學的知識。其中資通訊科技包含雲端計算、資料科學、物聯網、人工智慧、計算理論與演算法。漁業科學包含漁具漁法、海上作業、環境資源學。地球科學方面則包含了大氣氣候學以及海洋學等。(全文連結) Visits: 1018

Best paper award! Portable fisheries assistant systems for small scale fisheries management

Congratulations to Shin-Yu Wang, Wei-Siang Hong, Rey-Hsing Hu, Chieh-Ju Yu, and Hsin-Yu Tsai for their research effort, receiving the best paper award at the 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication, and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019)! Abstract—This paper will focus on developing and designing a portable fisheries assistant system (FAS), a micro fisheries activity assistant …

Can satellite systems increase our capability? Application of the CubeSat sentries to boost the intelligence of the DeepSea 9 fisheries monitoring system

The size overseas fisheries fleet of Taiwan ranks second in the world. Following the development of the DeepSea 9 (DS9), which is installed and operating at the Fisheries Monitoring Control (FMC) center at the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture of Taiwan, overseas fisheries monitoring system has helped in preventing illegal, unreported, and unregulated using remote …

Constructing a next generation oceanic information system

Lab director’s talk @ WorldFish, Penang, Malaysia headquarters.  (2019/8/1) Taiwan is an island with a thriving fishing industry. Prior to the year 2015, fisheries systems in Taiwan, apart from being outdated, are dispersed across different administrative groups making management and data verification very time-consuming. This resulted in Taiwan being issued with a “yellow card” by …

Partnership with WorldFish

Our lab is happy to make an official announcement on our partnership with the WorldFish (, which leads the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-food Systems of CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers. We will be collaborating in developing new systems to support and analyze small scale fisheries (SSF) on a vast scale, just …

Fisheries data analysis, big data visualization, and applications based on the next generation oceanic information system

The “yellow card” sanction warning from the European Commission (EUC) has brought attention to the Taiwan government in fighting illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Unless further actions are taken, the EUC will issue a “red card” and Taiwan will suffer a loss of 13 million euros yearly for not being able to export marine …

Designing, implementing, and deploying a next generation oceanic information system

Designing, implementing, and deploying a next-generation oceanic information system is a key to future fisheries management. This project focuses on creating such a system, providing a basis for future development. Besides being extensible, stable, and easy to use, this system must also contain the following elements. It must use big data storage technologies, which allows …