Designing, implementing, and deploying a next generation oceanic information system

Designing, implementing, and deploying a next-generation oceanic information system is a key to future fisheries management. This project focuses on creating such a system, providing a basis for future development. Besides being extensible, stable, and easy to use, this system must also contain the following elements. It must use big data storage technologies, which allows sharding, parallelism, load balancing, and data integrity. The final system integrates the existing VMS database, fisheries management database, the Torch system, and report databases. The management component of this system will be designed according to the regulations and requirements of the government. We will also consider processing electronic files such as word and excel files and automatically parse them into the database to lessen human tasks.

Project funded by the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan under grant 107AS-9.1.5-FA-F1.


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